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  • kboggeman

Walking Lunges are Legit! Do Them For A Resilient And Durable Lower Body!

Today, was a beautiful day- the perfect day for some pull ups, decline close-grip push ups, and waling lunges. I usually do 100 walking lunges per set without a "stutter-step", but I will occasionally do more, sometimes 125 or even 150. I think the walking lunge is one of the most underrated exercises around. First of all, it requires no equipment, hits your whole leg, fries your glutes, blasts your adductors and quads, and even can strengthen your hamstring. Moreover, it is an incredible conditioning exercise that will kick your butt into shape in no time.

The easiest way to get into these is by slowly increasing your volume over time. I highly recommend starting with 10 reps per day (per leg) and adding a repetition each day until you are doing sets of 50-100. This is a minimal time investment and definitely worth the pay-off. You can add these to the end of your usual workout as a "finisher" or you can use them as a standalone exercise strategy. Either way, a few minutes per day, and you will be doing some serious good for your health and fitness.

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